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Why is the calendar missing assignments?

Usually, this happens when no students are enrolled in the course or the course has no assignments. Course assignments will appear on the calendar once you've created assignments and enrolled a student. You can also chooses to display empty assignment cards.

How do I update the course schedule?

You can reschedule assignments directly from the Calendar page.

Or, to update the course structure, adjust the course plan and create assignments.


  • Plan your curriculum from the Plan page.
  • Reschedule from the Calendar page.

How do I change a course's start date?

From your student's page, find the course you want to update and click the more options button. Then click "Edit Schedule" and select a new start date.

Alternatively, to change start dates for all your courses to a later date, you can add a vacation to shift everything forward.

How do I change the days of the week for a course?

From the student's info page, find the course in their Courses list. Click the overflow menu (the three dots) and then "Edit Schedule". See full instructions here.

How can I add, update, or cancel a subscription?

To update or cancel a subscription, go to Account > Subscription > Manage Subscription. See detailed instructions here.

To purchase a subscription, see the pricing page (opens in a new tab).

How do I track time spent on assignments?

Right now Syllabird doesn't directly track the minutes spent on each assignment, but it's a feature on our roadmap.

Can two teachers share students?

Right now it's not possible to share a student between multiple teachers without sharing the same login. This is a feature on our roadmap.

What is the Year-End Checklist?

At the end of a term or school year, consider the following steps.

  1. Complete courses for your students.

  2. Archive courses you won't need for a while.