Create a Student
- Navigate to the Students page via the link on the top bar.

- Click the New Student button.

Enter your child's name in the Student Name field.
Optional: Enter your child's current school year (often referred to as grade level) in the School Year field.
Optional: Upload a photo for your student by opening the photo upload dialog. You'll be able to drag and drop a photo or browse your computer for a photo to upload.

- Click Add Student to create your student.

Delete a Student
Deleting a student is irreversible. It will delete their course records, grades, and submissions. Additionally, it will delete their completed courses. Only delete a student if you are completely sure.
Follow these instructions to delete a student.
Navigate to the student you want to delete.
Click the overflow menu in the upper right (the three dots), and select Delete Student.

- To confirm, type the name of the student in the text input field. Then click Yes, Delete Student.